22 Kells Road Ryde NSW 2112

Report Date: February 26, 2024

$99.00 inc. GST

This building inspection report documents all minor defects and if found, any major defects or safety hazards.

You can use the information in this report to make a confident offer or bid, fully aware of the potential maintenance and repair costs.

You'll also get important information and photos documenting those hard to access areas like underneath the floor, in and on the roof.

We will also let you know what the risks of undetected defects are and whether we believe further specialist inspections are warranted.

Don't forget you can ring or email the Inspector to discuss the findings after you download the report if you would like to know more


Expiry Date: 31/03/2024
ID: 12270

Disclaimer: If you or someone you are purchasing the report on behalf of are the successful buyer of the property you will be charged a further $396. Purchasing a separate report does not excuse you from this charge. When paid, the report will be transferred into your name so it can be relied upon for insurance purposes. There will be no extra charge if you are unsuccessful in purchasing the property.